Through the blood and tears in your eyes you see the slipgate.
Those vore-whores lay strewn around across the cold floor of the Hive -
the human contingent working for them has eaten all the buckshot you have to offer.
There is only the slipgate now. You step onto the buzzing platform .....
and this is not what you expect at all.
This is distinctly familiar and totally alien all at the same time. You can hear dogs barking - it's the first thing any of your senses pick up as you emerge from the slipgate's glow. Rubbing the now crusty blood from your eyes - you can see clearly what this place is - and you can't believe it.
What the hell have these bastards got a slipgate HERE for ?
You pause for a moment, thinking, and listening to the dogs.
Then you back up onto the platform, bracing for a quick slip back to
the devastated Hive - headquarters needs to know about this new way
You go nowhere. Damn. Uni-directional slipgate.
So from here the only way out is UP. You hope to God that this move by the Vores is a retreat and not a step forward - you can do without any
more crap from these guys. But the installation of a slipgate, a
UNI-DIRECTIONAL slipgate, in a public tube station leads you to think
that these vores have no intention of retreat.
You slide the few shells you have left into you shotgun.
Let's see what the Metro has to offer you.
Additional Credits to : Id Software, without whom there would be no Quake.
Yahn W Bernier for the excellent BSP Editor
Origional storyline by Simon Wood
Special thanks to Talon, Spitfire and English Voodoo for their